Today is 5 years since I came home from a 4 month long travelling through India.

I am celebrating it with drinking favourit indian drink – sweet Mango Lassi. 😉

This Journey was INITIATION into my next – this period of Life… because I decided to leave my work as a classical western medicine doctor.

I knew I wanted to work with people, support them in healing and thriving, motivate them, inspire them, help them activate inner potentials … but in a different way. 

I wasn’t quite sure how to do it, but I had:

  • great Passion
  • big Vision
  • amazing Trust and Guts
  • determination
  • enthusiastic Heart
  • inner knowing that there is something greater waiting for me 🙂

Uauu…I can’t believe that it is more then 5 years since I stepped on this path. And the Journey was full of ups (ohhh, how high I was) and downs (I never imagined I could feel also so down and devastated), but with every new step, there was a deeper knowing that there is no way back. And all of this melting, exploring, shading old skin was a process of me becoming more of what I was called to be.

And today, fast forward from this India trip, I can say that I have met inner light and shadows (at least some of them) and learned a lot about myself and Life … and am still learing.

What I trully believe and feel is that following our heart is worth every tear, sweat and all the “birth-cramps” and pain, because it helps us release the the clutter, things, people and thoughts – beliefs that are not working or supporting us.

So, my dear friends – I am toasting to US & our beautiful heart!

And when times come in which we will be facing our shadows again… let’s just sit still… and remember that light is closer to us that we can imagine. 


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